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Why Cat Proof My Garden?

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~11 million Cats in the UK

~25% of all homes own a Cat

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Where is your Cat allowed?
Select an Option

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Indoor Only

37% of Cats live indoors


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57% of owners believe it is unsafe for them to be outside

Cat Stress vs Cat Injury
Lets look at the research...

But Consider...

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63% of Cats have access to an outdoor space

​Research shows that Cats are less stressed when they have access

Less House Soiling/Spraying
Less Aggression

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But how common are outdoor injuries?

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28% of cats are likely to sustain an injury

(Indoors or Outdoors)

Common Reasons Outdoors:

Cat Fight

Fighting with other animals


of injuries

Not the pets they live with

Road Traffic Accident




Car Fast

of injuries

of injuries

Can injuries be costly?

Cat Vet

Vet Bills can cost >£1000

With 25% of cat owners being concerned about how they would pay

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So what is the Solution?

Cat Proof your Garden

  • Allows Cats to be Outdoors

  • ​Reduces Risk of Injury

  • Potentially Saves you £££

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  • Reduces your stress/worry

Having a Cat Proof Garden is recommended by Cats Protection

Other Reasons

Cats Hate Fireworks
14% of Cats Run Away

Stop Others Feeding
Your Cat

Reduces Hunting Area
Fewer Dead Animals

Keeps Neighbours Happy
No Poo on their Lawn

Why does a Cat Proof Fence Work?

Cat Jumping Silhouette

A typical Domestic Cat can jump 1.8m. With the most agile cats jumping up to 2.4m

Our Fence System is 2.5m tall , outwitting the most agile cats

Cat Fence Barrier
Cat Fence Overhang

Our Fence system also features a >55cm overhang...

Cats hate overhangs!

How Much Does a Cat Fence Cost?

The average UK garden costs < £500

Estimate your cost

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Statistics Sourced from:

  • Cats Protection 2023, CATS Report

  • PDSA 2024, Animal Wellbeing Report

  • Harris 2002- The relationship between maximum jumping performance and hind limb morphology/physiology in domestic cats

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